The Alcott PTG Supports the Community
The primary objectives of the PTG are to provide information and support to the Alcott community and to raise funds to help make our school the best it can be. Volunteering is key to the success of this effort.
Upcoming Dates
***Every Wednesday is a half-day***
March 21 - March Madness Fundraiser
March 27- Math Night and Book Fair
May 3- All school parent social
Concord METCO Families Collective
METCO Family Advisory Council
Alcott Announcements
Message from Alcott’s Mental Health Team
Looking for more information about how to support your child's social and emotional needs? The Alcott Mental Health Team has launched a website to serve as your "one stop shop" for resources, articles, and tips on meeting your child's unique needs. We'll be updating the site regularly as we come across useful information. Take a look, bookmark it, and join us for the ride!
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is coming to Alcott this spring! We're looking for third, fourth, and fifth grade girls to join our team this season. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays to complete lessons, games, and workouts that will prepare us for a joyful 5K at the end of our season. See more information here.
Ready to register? Click here.
Open Social Media Role for the Alcott PTG
Interested in learning a bit more about the PTG and also enjoy social media? We're looking for someone to help post to the Alcott PTG Instagram and Facebook accounts. This is a low lift and fun way to get involved! If you're interested in learning more, you can email:
Alcott Before School Sports
Winter Session #2 of Before School Sports starts on Monday, March 3, 2025. You can find all of the info and register at this link.
Grade 5 March Madness Fundraiser
Save the date! Join your friends at Alcott on Friday, March 21 from 5:30-8:30 to cheer on your favorite college basketball teams! In order to raise money, we will charge a small admission fee and have concessions available. Games will be streamed, and there will also be fun activities. All grades are welcome!
Volunteer Opportunities
Parent Social Silent Auction (volunteer to help or donate items):
Read the Latest Thursday Owl
The Alcott PTG appreciates the time, effort, and funding offered and provided by our wonderful community of families
FUEL your child’s education today!
Fund to Uphold Education and Learning
The Annual Appeal focuses on raising money needed for the Alcott PTG to provide programs for our children and the Alcott faculty & staff, which are 100% funded by your generous donations!
If you are new to Alcott, or just looking for a way to volunteer that fits into your busy life - something from home or work, from near or far? Please take a moment to discover what's going on at Alcott by filling out this form.